Here we publish heatmaps for world of tanks blitz maps and other data obtained from the replay database. These heatmaps show wot tactics and strategy playing different tank classes and the best wot positions to deal damage, earn xp or spot enemy tanks.
热力图是以上传到wotinspector的回放制作的。 因此,他们与数据库有同样的偏差:
- 人们倾向于上传他们最好的一局,即“把M局”或“高伤局”,但这些显然不能代表发挥普通的一局
- 之后我们将回放按照地图、游戏模式和重生次数,以及更高等级拆分,最后我们得到了几百个回放,但这显然不够的,特别是对于伤害图来说。
- submit more games, including normal or lost games
- help processing the replays by pressing the 'process data' button on a replay's page, or by watching more replays in Map Inspector.
- 在 discord and share your suggestions or questions.
- support us by visiting 商店, 可以对我们进行打赏支持,这样做可能会为他人带来更好的工具或使其对相关问题有更好的理解。